Quantum Information Technology Convention 13

Post by Admin, April 11, 2022


Going on two years now, adjusting to new normals, figuring out novel ways to conduct activities, and finding resources to support them, is still not easy. But thanks to the hard work of the students of Xavier University’s College of Computer Studies, this year we welcome the 13th iteration of the Quantum Information Technology Convention.

What is the Quantum Information Technology Convention?

The convention’s main goals are to challenge the students’ competence, present them with additional knowledge, and sharpen and develop skills in the field of Information Technology. Conducted last March 26 and April 2, 2022, professionals from all over the IT industry were invited to share their experiences and expertise.

With its theme “Navigating the New Normal through Innovative Technologies”, the convention hopes to connect students, enthusiasts, professionals, and partner organizations despite limitations brought on by the pandemic. Additionally, to accommodate more people and with respect to community guidelines on social distancing, the organizers opted for the event to be fully online and FREE for anyone interested to join.


Day 1 Talks
Day 1 Speakers – image courtesy of https://www.facebook.com/qitcxu

On day 1, the first speaker was Mr. Edmund Salcedo Jr on Synthetic Data Production. Mr. Salcedo is a 3D engineer at Skunkworks specializing in the creation of 3D interactive applications. He is also in charge of creating synthetic data for Machine Learning.

Up next we had Mr. Peter Li on Blockchain Technology. Mr. Li is a senior member of the R3 Developer Relations team, as he develops and maintains the developer community for Corda. His work has included open-source projects aimed to boost developer experience, working with cloud providers such as Microsoft and Amazon, and core feature enhancements to Corda.

And finally Ms. Divya Taori also on Blockchain Technology. Woking with R3, Ms. Taori is a Developer Evangelist that works with their engineering team and stakeholders to gather feedback, discover pain-points, platform outreach and adoption.

It has just been the first day and already the participants are given a treat of such an excellent batch of speakers and topics.

Day 1 Participants – image courtesy of https://www.facebook.com/qitcxu/
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Day 1 Participants – image courtesy of https://www.facebook.com/qitcxu/
Day 2 Talks
Day 2 Speakers – image courtesy of https://www.facebook.com/qitcxu/

On the 2nd day, the first speaker was Mr. Dan Niño Fabro on Bug Bounty Hunting and Cybersecurity. A software quality assurance engineer, Mr. Fabro has long been passionate about information security particularly in web and mobile application offensive security. For years now, Mr. Fabro has been active in bug bounty hunting programs, CTF events, and hacking conferences.

Finally, to close the convention the last speaker is Mr. Phil Nash on Google Products and Web Technologies. Mr. Nash is a developer evangelist for Twilio and a Google Developer Expert based in Melbourne, Australia. He makes use of his time building tools for developers using Ruby and JavaScript amongst many many projects.

During the convention, participants were able to drink in the wisdom and experiences every speaker shared. The different professionals, highlighting their own specialty shows just how diverse and open the world of information technology is. Congratulations to all the participants of the convention, especially to the organizers for the huge success.

If you’re interested in Information Technology, or want to participate in future events, check out the official Facebook page of Quantum Information Technology Convention for more information or updates on their next events!